Austria in Space


Who is Who

People, companies, organisations, missions, success stories - All you need to know about Austria's space sector.


9. CASSINI Hackathon Österreich

16. - 18. May 2025
Impact Hub Tirol GmbH, Dreiheiligenstraße 21a, 6020 Innsbruck, AT

The 9th CASSINI Hackathon happens simultaneously across 10 European countries, including Innsbruck, Austria. The participants will be seeking innovative solutions that shape the future of healthcare using space technology. They will also receive training, mentoring, and inspiration to develop new ideas at the intersection of space and health.

EU Space Days 2025

27.-28. May 2025
Amber EXPO, Żaglowa 11, 80-560, Gdańsk, Poland

The EU Space Days is the most significant event of the European Union when it comes to space policy, business and innovation. Organised by the European Commission under the auspices of the Polish Presidency, this year’s edition lands in Gdańsk, a thriving hub for space.

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                    Ein Messestand, der über Erdbeobachtung und Weltraumaktivitäten in Österreich informiert. Davor stehen interessierte Besucher:innen, die aufmerksam die ausgestellten Plakate studieren.

Austria in Space at #LNF22

Austria in Space participated at the "Lange Nacht der Forschung" (Long Night of Research) this year.


Knowledge about space.