ESERO Austria

ESERO is ESA's umbrella educational project supporting formal education of the sciences (STEM — Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) in European primary and secondary schools.
In June 2016, the tenth European Space Education Resource Office (ESERO) began operation at Austria's Ars Electronica Center. The project is funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) and BMK/FFG. Today, 22 European nations, including Austria, host an ESA education office.
By offering educational activities specifically tailored to the national curricula and priorities of the ESA Member States, the ESERO offices play an important role in supporting science and technology education, and in inspiring the next generation to pursue STEM-related studies and careers, particularly in the space domain.
ESERO uses space related themes and the genuine fascination felt by young people for space to enhance school pupils' literacy and competence in STEM-related subjects.
The main target group are educators and teachers in elementary, primary and secondary schools, but mentors and youth group leaders (CoderDojos, scouts, clubs, etc.) can also take part in all the offers.
The ESERO project also highlights the associated applications from space and raises awareness of the large range of career prospects in the space domain.
Hosted at Ars Electronica, ESERO Austria will utilise both the educational and scientific networks of the center, as well as links with ESA and with the Austrian space sector, to introduce innovative school teaching and learning strategies in STEM disciplines.