University Education
NAWI Graz: Master's Degree Programm in Space Sciences and Earth from Space

The fascination of space – as a student of the Master's Degree Programme in Space Sciences and Earth from Space, you benefit from the expertise of many institutions in Graz:
TU Graz, the University of Graz, the Space Research Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and Joanneum Research teach and research jointly in the field of space sciences and technologies.
Graduates work in the high technology departments of scientific and research institutions, such as space agencies or the aerospace industry.
Three specialization subjects:
- Solar system physics: Physics of the solar system, the planets and their interaction with the solar wind and solar flares (space weather), insights into the field of space plasma physics
- Satellite systems: Satellite communications and navigation with applications in disaster control and crisis management, telemedicine and telelearning
- Earth system from space: Observing the components of the earth system (solid earth, oceans, bodies of ice, atmosphere, etc.) using modern satellite technologies, physical description and numerical modelling of these components
TU Graz: Master's Programme SpaceTech - Master in Space Systems and Business Engineering (postgraduate education)

SpaceTech creates tomorrow's space programme leaders! Participants will gain comprehensive Space Systems and Business Engineering knowledge of the multi-faceted international spaceflight sector in the following discipline areas and fields:
- Systems Engineering
- Space Mission Analysis and Design
- Business Engineering
- Project Management
- Technical Areas: Space Communications, Earth Observation, Navigation and Human Space Flight
In addition, you will acquire and refine leadership and soft skills, perform a Central Case Project (CCP) as a group and complete an individual Master's thesis.
All content is taught by internationally recognized experts from their respective fields. The 22 month programme (120 ECTS) is outlined for working participants, and offered at 7 European Space Centers in 6 presence sessions of two-week duration each. It concludes with a Master of Science (Continuing Education) – MSc (CE).
University of Graz: Master's Programme in Physics with Specializations in "Astrophysics" and "Space Physics and Aeronomy"

The physics program at the University of Graz is broadly diversified. After a comprehensive basic education in the physics bachelor's program, students can choose a focus in the physics master's program, including the subject-specific specializations "Astrophysics" and "Space Physics and Aeronomy".
Here they immerse themselves in the scientific research directions offered at the Department of Astrophysics and Geophysics. The Master's program is taught in English, paving the way to work in international research institutions.
Students complete internships at the two observatories, Lustbühel Graz and Kanzelhöhe Observatory for Solar and Environmental Research (Carinthia), through which they gain insights into current measurement and observation techniques of stars and the sun. In seminars, independent projects, analyses and literature research are carried out, and critical thinking and solution strategies of complex problems are taught. By actively embedding researchers and teachers in international research projects and space missions, students also have the attractive opportunity to actively participate in research projects early in their studies.
TU Wien: Executive MBA Space Architecture & Management

The Executive MBA in Space Architecture at TU Wien Academy offers a unique opportunity to acquire the skills needed to lead innovative architecture projects both in space and in extreme environments on Earth.
The participants learn how to design and implement challenging construction projects in demanding settings, manage interdisciplinary teams, and drive technological innovations.
This program provides the students with the expertise to shape the future of architecture in extreme conditions and successfully bring these projects to life.
Key Learnings
- Know-how for the targeted management of your company or organization
- Strengthen your leadership personality
- Space architecture discipline and associated fields
- The latest development of space emerging technologies like 3D Manufacturing, Robotics, VR (Virtual Reality) und AR (Augmented Reality)
- Envision, develop and assess opportunities for Downstream and Upstram Applications
- Gain Know-how on Business management for the New Space Era
- Interact with international experts in the field and expand your network
TU Wien: Student Aerospace Module

The TU Wien offers a specialization in the field of aerospace engineering to students for Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering - Management. The new "Student Aerospace Module", which was introduced in 2020, can be chosen by students in their bachelor studies (7 ECTS) or master studies (14 ECTS) and comprises theoretical courses as well as hands-on work on real aerospace projects. This is possible due to a cooperation between the TU Wien and the TU Wien Space Team - a group of students and graduates of the TU Wien that has been working on rockets and satellites for almost ten years.
In March 2023 the TU Wien will start a new course being completed with the final degree Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) in Management & Technology | Space Architecture. This Executive MBA program spans an arc between economics, engineering, architecture and other technical and social sciences, preparing executives, high potentials and those interested in the space market for future requirements in an international and interdisciplinary field of work.
University of Vienna: Astronomy

The bachelor's programme in Astronomy aims to provide a first-class basic academic education in the fields of astronomy, astrophysics and space research. It provides students with a solid education in natural sciences. Graduates of the bachelor's programme are well-prepared to enter professional life or continue their academic education in a master's programme.
Graduates of the master's programme are able to independently implement research-oriented projects in the field of astronomy and to critically assess and independently use existing specialist literature. They have received training in the use of technically sophisticated measuring and observation instruments as well as modern large-scale astronomical equipment.
Furthermore, they have acquired the necessary competences to analyse, model and interpret intricate systems and develop a systematic scientific way of thinking, enabling them to address complex problems. Classes are held in German and English. Therefore, students are expected to be proficient (level C1) in both languages.
University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt (FHWN)

The University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt (FHWN) offers a complete education in Aerospace Engineering. As part of the bachelor program in Mechatronics, students can choose the specialization aerospace engineering during which they will be introduced to the core subjects in this field (25 ECTS).
The master program offers a comprehensive education in the advanced topics of Aerospace Engineering. Experts from the aerospace engineering industry and research institutes provide in-depth insight into all relevant fields of aerospace engineering in 4 semesters (120 ECTS).
In several well-equipped laboratories students complement their theoretical education with hands-on practice in the development of propulsion technologies, fluid dynamics, high speed computation and satellite development. Two laboratories are dedicated to modern manufacturing methods such as composites manufacturing or additive layer manufacturing (3D printing).
An important pillar of the aerospace engineering education is the opportunity to participate in projects. This is enabled through the FHWN research subsidiary, called FOTEC. FOTEC cooperates with space agencies such as ESA and NASA, as well as with major players of the European aerospace industry, in the development of new propulsion systems, space systems and advanced application of additive layer manufacturing. Participation in such projects during internships, or while writing their master thesis, allows students to gain valuable insight into real life projects during their university education.
International Space University

The International Space University (ISU) is a private university located in Illkirch-Graffenstaden, Alsace. It trains professionals in the field of space on the campus of the University of Strasbourg.
The course offerings provide interdisciplinary space education, interdisciplinary programs for students and space professionals in an international environment in a plethora of disciplines:
These range from space engineering and satellite communications to project funding and coordination, space law and space medicine. The training programs are aimed at academics and students of all disciplines.
Lectures are given by renowned guest lecturers from all over the world (ESA, NASA, national space agencies and international research institutions, industry representatives).
ISU trains Space Experts with different programs:
Master of Space Studies (MSS)
One- or two-year MSS program for professional development in the space field and/or writing a master's thesis.
Southern Hemisphere Space Studies Program
16-month program for students, academics, and professionals from all disciplines in collaboration with the University of South Australia on topics related to space science, policy, and applications to build and strengthen competencies in Southern Hemisphere countries.
Financial support for participation: grants for participation through the FFG from funds of the national space program of the BMK for participants from Austria who have been selected by the ISU. For information, please contact Michaela Gitsch, FFG (