There are 73 results.
MMS-DFG 2 - Flight Model Development of the Digital Fluxgate Magnetometer for NASA's MMS Mission
The ASAP 7 MMS-DFG 2 project covered the assembly, calibration and integration of a total of four Flight Models and one Spare Model. Calibration showed that the flight models fully met all performance requirements. The intrinsic noise of the magnetometer at 1 Hz is 5 pT/sqrt(Hz) and thus a factor of two lower than required for the MMS mission.
MountainNet - Management of Natural Resources in Alpine Regions by Advanced Remote Sensing Techniques
To assess and monitor alpine landscape and hydrological parameters and thus to serve as the basis for planning actions, the project concentrates on methods and algorithms for alpine land use and land cover based on SAR, alpine land use and land cover based on VHR optical data and hydrological applications in alpine regions based on SAR.
NEST - Next-Generation Equipment for Satellite Testing
The Power Subsystem Special Check-Out Equipment (SCOE) is a central component of the Electrical Ground Support Equipment. It provides power and control signals to the satellite during assembly, testing and launch preparation until just a few seconds prior to lift-off. The activity aims at reducing the manufacturing complexity of the overall Power SCOE system emphasising standardised components (leading to reduced costs and improved reliability) and making the system operator’s user interface more intuitive (leading to easier operations procedures and to a high acceptance by the test engineers).
NetMSI - New Technologies for the Multimedia Satellite Infrastructure
The objective of this project was to contribute to the development of key enabling technologies to support expanding opportunities.
ONE-SAT-ILS - One Satellite Geolocation System
The ONE-SAT-ILS project aimed to select one or two of the discussed solutions with the potential for implementation in a product. Potential was defined to mean technical feasibility in terms of effort (time and money) but also in terms of accuracy and performance. Furthermore, the chosen solutions were implemented in a prototype in order to evaluate the potential described above. The results obtained from ONE-SAT-ILS will be integrated in the Siemens ILS system in a subsequent project.
PICAM 3 - Planetary Ion Camera for the BepiColombo Mercury Planetary Orbiter
The instrument PICAM combines the features of an ion mass spectrometer with imaging capabilities for charged particles that will allow to study the chain of processes by which neutrals are ejected from the soil, eventually ionised and transported through the environment of Mercury. As a result one will better understand the formation of Mercury's tenuous atmosphere and the plasma within the cavity encompassed by its magnetic field.
PLEO - Pleiades On-board Management Unit
PPP-Serve - Network Based GNSS Phase Biases to Enhance PPP Applications – A New Service Level of GNSS Reference Station Provider
The PPP-Serve project aims at the development and realization of adequate algorithms to enhance fast GNSS based point positioning at cm level.
PPos-Taxi - Efficient Taxi Allocation Based on Precise Vehicle Positioning
The project PPos-Taxi represents an innovative contribution to an efficient allocation of taxis based on precise vehicle positioning.
PRESENT - Preparing for the ESA Sentinel Missions
QCS - Quantum Correlation in Space
In this experiment entangled photon pairs were created on La Palma, Spain. Then, one of these photons was sent to Tenerife, 144 km away. Additionally, random numbers were generated on both islands so that the way the correlations of the entangled photons were measured was independent of the photons. The spatial separation and timing of these actions was precisely arranged to show the counterintuitive nature of our world. Although this work does not completely rule out any "intuitive" theory it is the single most conclusive experiment of its type at the present time.
QTS - Quantum Teleportation in Space
The aim of the QTS (Quantum Teleportation in Space) project was to bridge the gap between the laboratory setting of quantum teleportation and its future implementation in space.
RAPIDEM - Rapid Assessment Provision for Intelligent Disaster and Emergency Management
This project aimed at the development of information products and service structures supporting critical decision-making processes in flood disaster management for the Austrian disaster relief organisations. Time-critical data and information generation are a major factor in successful disaster management.
REBECCA - Real-time Blending EPS-METEOSAT by Canonical Correlation Analysis
The goal of this project is to develop a standardized procedure of merging potential synergistic combination of satellite data of the geostationary orbit and those of the low earth orbit which at first sight appear rather incompatible in terms of content, spatial and temporal availability.
RF-Suitcase - Generic RF-Suitcase Core
So called Radio Frequency Suitcases (RF-suitcases) are required for every spacecraft, in order to assure compatibility of the spacecraft and every groundstation delivering support to the mission. An RF-suitcase contains a simplified, yet representative configuration of the satellite flight hardware in order to make these tests representative.
SIECAMS BOX - Carrier Monitoring System for Small Operators
The aim of the project is the integration of general-purpose PCI sample cards in SIECAMS for supporting standard spectrum monitoring and demodulation measurement tasks on a highly competitive level in terms of performance and price as well as a reduction of the required equipment space. Furthermore, it is the aim to provide a generic interface to import digitized data of different resolution and sampling rates in order to support standard digitization equipment from different manufacturers. The current SIECAMS Client Server architecture will be enhanced by an additional Web-Server hosting the web-application.
SKISPRUNG - Precise Trajectory and Velocity Determination in Ski Jumping
The most important indicators for the flight performance of a ski jumper are the flight trajectory itself and the corresponding velocity. Due to the fact that an accurate position and velocity information along the flight trajectory is available for coaches and athletes shortly after the jump, new and important analysis methods of the jump performance are made possible. Therefore, the main objective of the project SKISPRUNG is the precise determination of these two indicators - the position and the velocity along the flight trajectory at each epoch.
SMART-1 EPDP - Co-Investigator on Electric Propulsion Diagnostic Package (EPDP) for European SMART-1 Satellite
SPEF - Signal Processor Emulation Facility
The present emulation facility allows for efficient testing of the software running on a micro-processor that controls the Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) while the ASIC is still being manufactured at the foundry.