There are 51 results.
SPEF - Signal Processor Emulation Facility
The present emulation facility allows for efficient testing of the software running on a micro-processor that controls the Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) while the ASIC is still being manufactured at the foundry.
SPICE - Experiment SPICE: Material Strength and Cohesion of Martian Soil
The aim of the SPICE project was firstly to develop sensors andtechniques suitable for in-situ measurements of soil strength ona surface platform on Mars. A second goal was the establishmentof a soil model for dry granular materials which can typically befound on Mars.
SSPP - High-end Spaceborne Signal Processing Platform
The objective of the activity is to evaluate the feasibility and pinpoint the critical areas of new, high-performance signal processing concepts, which are necessary to fulfil future spacemission requirements in the area of science, earth observation, and telecom applications.
STEREO-WAVES antennas - Reception properties in the quasi-static frequency range
The project is dedicated to analyze the antennas of the WAVES instrument on board of the two STEREO spacecraft.
SVEQ - GNSS Receiver SW Verification & Qualification Framework
The present activity aims at supporting inevitable product evolution by providing a framework for Software Verification and Qualification (VQ), implementing it in Austrian Aerospace’s (AAE’s) GNSS receiver software and demonstrating its suitability by applying it to the transition from a receiver providing on-board spacecraft navigation functionality to a qualified scientific precise orbit determination instrument.
SVEQ 2 - GNSS Receiver SW Verification & Qualification Framework (Phase 2)
The present activity is the follow-up of a study already performed within ASAP 4. The first part, concentrating on the simulation based software qualification platform, was successfully finished. The second part comprises the remaining activities, mainly the target based software qualification platform, i.e. hardware in the loop testing and qualification.
TCTM - Model Driven TC/TM Protocol Design
The TCTM project aimed to establish a single definition source for the TC/TM interface and to automatically generate the respective documentation, SRDB, flight software and test equipment software to reduce the NRE effort for future instrument developments.
USI - Phase 1: Unbrennbare Superisolation (USI)
Based on the multi-layer insulation technology for spacecraft, this technology transfer project focuses on the development of a novel, inert multi-layer thermal insulation, which satisfies the applicable requirements and standards for cryogenic vessels used for storage and transport of liquefied technical gases such as He, Ar, N2 and O2 , with respect to oxygen compatibility.
USI - Phase 2: Non-flammable Super-Insulation (USI)
Based on the multi-layer insulation technology for spacecraft, this technology transfer project about non-flammable super-insulation focuses on the development of a novel, inert multi-layer thermal insulation, which satisfies the applicable requirements and standards for cryogenic vessels used for storage and transport of liquefied technical gases such as He, Ar, N 2 and O 2 , with respect to oxygen compatibility.
VEDW - Versatile Electronics for Digitally Generated Waveforms
The present project has aimed at developing the critical building blocks of a Versatile High-end Signal Generator which can be used directly or only with few necessary modifications for a variety of applications. This approach has allowed Austrian Aerospace to acquire competence with new technologies and space components so the challenging technical problems can be solved in an innovative and forward-looking manner.
VEX-MAG - Venus Express Magnetometer
Venus Express (VEX) is the first mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) to Venus. It aims at a global investigation of the Venusian atmosphere and plasma environment and addresses several important aspects of the geology and surface physics. Its payload comprises seven scientific instruments with heritage from Mars Express and Rosetta. VEX-MAG is a space qualified magnetometer with two sensors to measure the magnetic field magnitude and direction.