
There are 130 results.

Austria in Space

QTS - Quantum Teleportation in Space

The aim of the QTS (Quantum Teleportation in Space) project was to bridge the gap between the laboratory setting of quantum teleportation and its future implementation in space.

Austria in Space

RA-PPP - Innovative Algorithms for Rapid Precise Point Positioning

Is there a chance to achieve dm accuracy in positioning, just by means of an isolated single-frequency GNSS receiver? Which further external data has this isolated receiver to be provided with and within what time frame does the position determination converge to the requested accuracy? These are the crucial questions of Precise Point Positioning (PPP). In the project RA-PPP we show that there are several limiting factors to existing PPP algorithms and services, which rely on highly precise orbit and clock parameters.

Austria in Space

RAPIDEM - Rapid Assessment Provision for Intelligent Disaster and Emergency Management

This project aimed at the development of information products and service structures supporting critical decision-making processes in flood disaster management for the Austrian disaster relief organisations. Time-critical data and information generation are a major factor in successful disaster management.

Austria in Space

REBECCA - Real-time Blending EPS-METEOSAT by Canonical Correlation Analysis

The goal of this project is to develop a standardized procedure of merging potential synergistic combination of satellite data of the geostationary orbit and those of the low earth orbit which at first sight appear rather incompatible in terms of content, spatial and temporal availability.

Austria in Space

RF-Suitcase - Generic RF-Suitcase Core

So called Radio Frequency Suitcases (RF-suitcases) are required for every spacecraft, in order to assure compatibility of the spacecraft and every groundstation delivering support to the mission. An RF-suitcase contains a simplified, yet representative configuration of the satellite flight hardware in order to make these tests representative.

Austria in Space

RT-PPP - Development of a Real-time PPP Processing Facility

The overall goal of the RT-PPP project, was to develop PPP techniques suitable for various real-time or near real-time applications. The main focus was placed on the production of real-time clock, orbit and atmospheric corrections as well as their transmission via Ntrip to a user client.

Austria in Space

Resonance - Electric Field Sensors

The analysis of the electric field sensors on board the satellites of the Russian mission Resonance, which will be launched in the next decade, is the focus of this project. The aim of this mission is the investigation of wave-particle interactions and plasma dynamics in the inner magnetosphere of Earth, with the focus on phenomena occurring along the same magnetic field line and within the very same flux tube of the Earth's magnetic field. Amongst a variety of instruments and probes, several low- and high frequency electric and magnetic sensors will be on-board.

Austria in Space

SAR-X Environ - Environmental Mapping Applications Using TerraSAR-X

The goals of this project were the improvement of existing X-band scattering models and the development of environmental mapping applications for TerraSAR X data in Austria and in potential export markets.

Austria in Space

SATSKI - Sensor-based GPS as a tool to analyse the performance of professional ski racers

The objective is an analysis tool that provides the Austrian Ski Federation with the possibility to increase the performance of its racers, but also to study the physical robustness of the human body, and take counteractive measures if necessary.

Austria in Space

SIECAMS BOX - Carrier Monitoring System for Small Operators

The aim of the project is the integration of general-purpose PCI sample cards in SIECAMS for supporting standard spectrum monitoring and demodulation measurement tasks on a highly competitive level in terms of performance and price as well as a reduction of the required equipment space. Furthermore, it is the aim to provide a generic interface to import digitized data of different resolution and sampling rates in order to support standard digitization equipment from different manufacturers. The current SIECAMS Client Server architecture will be enhanced by an additional Web-Server hosting the web-application.

Austria in Space

SKISPRUNG - Precise Trajectory and Velocity Determination in Ski Jumping

The most important indicators for the flight performance of a ski jumper are the flight trajectory itself and the corresponding velocity. Due to the fact that an accurate position and velocity information along the flight trajectory is available for coaches and athletes shortly after the jump, new and important analysis methods of the jump performance are made possible. Therefore, the main objective of the project SKISPRUNG is the precise determination of these two indicators - the position and the velocity along the flight trajectory at each epoch.

Austria in Space

SPICE - Experiment SPICE: Material Strength and Cohesion of Martian Soil

The aim of the SPICE project was firstly to develop sensors andtechniques suitable for in-situ measurements of soil strength ona surface platform on Mars. A second goal was the establishmentof a soil model for dry granular materials which can typically befound on Mars.

Austria in Space

STEREO-WAVES antennas - Reception properties in the quasi-static frequency range

The project is dedicated to analyze the antennas of the WAVES instrument on board of the two STEREO spacecraft.

Austria in Space

SoftGNSS 2 - A Dual Frequency Software-based GNSS Receiver

The main goal of this software-based receiver development is to implement the signal processing as far as possible in software, and thus the required hardware can be reduced to a minimum. This decreases the costs for future mass market products and increases the flexibility of the system.

Austria in Space

SoftGNSStrusted - Signal Authentication Utilizing a Dual-frequency Software-based GNSS Receiver for Trusted Positioning

The main goal of the SoftGNSStrusted project was to investigate new algorithms for signal authentication. The investigations were based on a previously developed software-based GNSS receiver (ASAP 6 project: SoftGNSS 2).

Austria in Space

TM/TC Modem - Telemetry and Telecommand Modem and Interface Processing Equipment for EGSE and Ground Stations

This ASAP 8 project is designed to enhance the flexibility and functionality of our TT&C SCOE and Payload EGSE (Electrical Ground Support Equipment) solutions, but also to extend our business to the ground station area by elaborating the detailed requirements, system and detail design for a modem, both for EGSE and ground station systems. The concepts and design will be validated by practical investigations and evaluations.

Austria in Space

TMIS - Topographic Mars Information System

One of the instruments on board of the European Mars Express Spacecraft is the HRSC (High Resolution Stereo Camera). The project group developed the topographic information system TMIS - arelational spatial data catalogue - for managing, archiving and distributing the captured images.

Austria in Space

TMIS.ascrea - Automatic Selection, Categorization and Recognition of Areomorphic Features

The project focused on an automated areomorphic (i.e. Mars-related morphological) analysis based on DTM data. Automation has become inevitable due to the large amount of available data.

Austria in Space

TMIS.morph - Areomorphological Analysis of Data from HRSC on Mars Express

TMIS.morph, a project in the sequence of TMIS (Topographic Mars Information System) projects, was the Austrian contribution to the international collaboration of “HRSC (High Resolution Stereo Camera) on MEX”, lead by Professor Gerhard Neukum (FU Berlin). The TMIS projects, beside providing a solid data management background of the huge datasets of the HRSC imagery and the derivative digital terrain models (DTMs) for the scientific research team, aimed at unconventional visualization, evaluation and automated extraction of selected Martian topographic features.