NPOC Austria Team

ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. Irmgard Marboe
Director of the NPOC Space Law Austria
Irmgard Marboe is Professor of Public International Law at the Institute for European, International and Comparative Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Vienna since 2007. After her doctoral thesis in European law (1994), she focused on public international law and in particular on international investment law. Her habilitation thesis (2007) dealt with the calculation of compensation and damages by international courts and tribunals. In the field of space law, her research interests included the implementation of international law rules into national space law, legal issues of telecommunications and space technology, European space policy, legal challenges of small satellites, the importance of soft law in outer space law and legal issues of planetary defence.
From 2008 to 2013, she was chair of the Working Group on National Space Legislation of the Legal Subcommittee of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNCOPUOS), whose work led to the adoption in 2013 of the UN General Assembly Resolution on "Recommendations on National Legislation Relevant to the Peaceful Exploration and Use of Outer Space". Between 2009 and 2015, she advised the BMVIT on the drafting of the Austrian Space Act (BGBl I No. 132/2011) and the Austrian Space Regulation (BGBl II No. 36/2015). In 2016, she received the Distinguished Services Award of the International Institute of Space Law (IISL). In 2014/15 and 2016 she was a Visiting Scholar at Stanford University (USA), and in 2016/17 a Visiting Professor at Western Sydney University (Australia).
She speaks German, English, French, Spanish and Italian."

Max Felbermayr
Max Felbermayr studies law at the University of Vienna since 2016. From 2017 to 2021 he received performance scholarships from the Hochschulstipendienstiftung für Hörer der Rechte and from the University of Vienna. During the academic year 2019/2020 he studied at the University College Dublin as an Erasmus exchange student. In 2020/2021 he was part of the Moot Court Team of the University of Vienna for the European Rounds of the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court.
Former members of the NPOC Team
Felicia Schartner
Markus Beham
Melanie Fink
Miriam Gschwandtner
Florian Hafner
Michaela Hinterholzer
Rosanna Hoffmann
Anna-Maria Kuckerz
Cordula Panosch (née Steinkogler)
Paula Resch
Koloman Roiger-Simek
Felicia Schartner
Karin Traunmüller