Vienna Technical Museum

"Old Space" and "New Space" at The Technisches Museum Wien (TMW) collection on space sience has three main focuses: Firstly, the "Space Race" between the USSR and the USA in the 1960s, and secondly "science fiction" objects and their influence on popular culture and science. The third focus is on current developments in space sience in industry in Austria.
In Austria a lively "New Space" startup scene has developed in recent years alongside the established space companies, and the museum is keen to document this: The prototype of the Lunar Lander of the TU-Space Team, the engineering model of the PEGASUS satellite of the FH Wiener Neustadt, the prototype of a Mars Rover of the Viennese startup "Team Tumbleweed" or the CAN-Sat of the HTL Rennweg, which won the Austrian ESERO competition of the same name in 2019, are all part of the collection. The TMW's online catalogue provides access to all space objects at any time.
Innovation Corner Aerospace Innovations
The new exhibition format Innovation Corner gives Austrian start-ups and innovative businesses a stage for presenting pioneering technologies. Visitors can learn what innovations are currently being explored and what new ideas are being developed in Austria and get exclusive previews of the first prototypes.
The aerospace section is open since 20. February 2024. Visitors can find out
- what the movement of satellites has to do with data encryption,
- how 3D printing facilitates the construction of space flight components,
- what instrument protects satellites from damage caused by electrical charges or
- how the design of a drone determines its payload.
Until June 2024, this presentation format will also be providing information on why the use of the solid fuel indium simplifies the handling of engines and what technical requirements have to be taken into account due to the extreme environmental conditions in space. The various projects and innovations demonstrate not only the practical relevance of aerospace degree programmes, but also the innovative strength of Austrian companies in the aerospace industry.
These technologies are usually used at a great distance from Earth - but in the Innovation Corner of the Technisches Museum Wien, they are at your fingertips: In collaboration with tecnet equity and accent, Lower Austrian universities of applied sciences and start-ups are presenting their ideas, concepts and projects in the field of aerospace.
Past exhibitions from the series Innovation Corner
- Medical Engineering and Assistive Technology (October 2022 - January 2023)
- Digital Transformation (February - May 2023)
- Circular Economy (June - September 2023)
- AGRI-FOOD (October 2023–January 2024)