Extension of the CORDET Framework

Short Description

In this project, the Swiss company P&P Software GmbH and the Austrian Department of Astrophysics (Uni Vienna) intend to extend the CORDET Framework, a software product developed by P&P and used by Uni Vienna to develop the payload software for scientific satellites.

The extension consists of two main activities:

  1. extending the scope of the CORDET Framework by providing an extension to implement the most commonly used ECSS PUS services.
  2. extending the usability of the CORDET Framework by developing the CORDET Editor as a GUI-based environment to automate its instantiation.

Project Partners


University of Vienna, Institute of Astrophysics

Project partner

P&P Software GmbH


Contact Address

University of Vienna
Institute of Astrophysics
Prof. Dr. Franz Kerschbaum
Türkenschanzstr. 17
A-1180 Wien