SGIS - Spaceborne GNSS-Receiver Interference Suppression
Short Description
Over the past years, RUAG Space has established a strong position in the European market for space qualified high- performance GPS (Global Positioning System) receivers suitable for Precise Orbit Determination (POD).
Analysis of future mission scenarios established by potential customers and planned European missions like MetOp Second Generation led to the conclusion that strong on-board (e.g. X- band radar instruments, search and rescue transmitter) and also terrestrial interferers like air traffic radar in various RF (Radio Frequency) bands may lead to degradation of POD performance in the future.
The next phase involved the design of interference suppression hardware to be used as replacement for GNSS radio frequency down converter (RFDC) modules being part of our current on- board GNSS receiver products.
These next generation down converter modules meet the demand for more flexibility and smaller foot prints and take into account GNSS RF carrier and bandwidth flexibility and design for testability and manufacturability.
This phase also included manufacturing and board level testing. The final phase will consist of testing and post processing of test data to validate the concepts implemented within the project.
Project Partners
RUAG Space GmbH - Alfred Werni
Contact Address
RUAG Space GmbH
Alfred Werni
Stachegasse 16
A-1120 Vienna
Tel.: +43 (1) 80199 - 5509