ISS-SLEEP-KIT - Sleeping Bag for the International Space Station

The aim was to investigate the feasibility of designing and testing a sleeping bag for ISS. The methodology used included the fabrication of a prototype from material used on ISS such as Nomex-based textiles. The development of the sleeping bag involved a total of three design iterations based on feedback from European astronauts.

Short Description

Current research in the area of medicine and psychology supports this study regarding near-term measures to be taken to improve the quality of sleep and to mitigate fatigue. Fatigue is a significant problem faced by astronauts, leading to reductions in alertness and performance and eventually to errors and mishaps.

Non- pharmacological methods may be used to alleviate symptoms of fatigue, taking into consideration that difficulties may arise in sleep initiation and maintenance, such as poor sleep hygiene or circadian dyssynchrony. There are very few resources focused on the significance of fatigue in operational settings and the mitigation of sleep debt. There is a need for continued attempts to evaluate sleep and ensure proper work-rest scheduling in human missions.

The team prepared relevant documentation for ESA to fly and test the sleeping bag. The last missing steps in testing the current design on ISS are the material tests and the inclusion into a mission.

The feasibility analysis showed that it is viable to make a step into a life science experiment in broadening the scope of the project with a solid medical character because there is a need to optimize the health and safety of astronauts before, during, and after space travel. The knowledge acquired in understanding the effects of spaceflight on human physiology and the practice of medicine in extreme environments will also play an important role in furthering health care on Earth.

Project Partners


LIQUIFER Systems Group GmbH - Barbara Imhof, Waltraut Hoheneder

Contact Address

LIQUIFER Systems Group GmbH
Barbara Imhof, Waltraut Hoheneder
Obere Donaustraße 97/1/62
A-1020 Vienna
Tel: +43 (1) 21885 - 05