LISA 2 - Land Information System Austria

The development of the Land Information System Austria (LISA) was initiated within ASAP 6 and continued within ASAP 7 to overcome the shortcomings of the existing LC/LU datasets for regional, national as well as European management and reporting requirements.

Short Description

Austria can build on a long experience in land cover and land use (LC/LU) monitoring. However, these datasets have been produced with different standards, lack comparability or are outdated in most cases.

The development was implemented as a three- stage process: concept phase (2009 – 2010), completion phase (2010 - 2012) and roll-out phase (from 2012).

The concept phase achieved a consensus among the stakeholders, users and the scientific/technical community about the specifications for the new Austrian LC/LU data model and land monitoring system. In an iterative process, a technically feasible requirements catalogue and data model were established, processing chains developed, prototypes produced and verified, and the costs determined.

The concept phase provided demonstration prototypes covering a total of 49 diverse test sites (> 3,000 km2), a user-defined, technically feasible and scientifically verified requirements catalogue as well as an architecture and data model for implementation.

The completion phase developed critical components enabling the operational roll-out of LISA as a national and operational monitoring solution. These included establishment of the data model in a physical database, the implementation of a fully automated change detection and upscaling method (spatial aggregation to European level) and the demonstration of LISA for the usage in spatial planning applications.

The roll-out phase has already been initiated through single initiatives of regional governments which financed land cover/land use data production according to LISA specifications for part of their territory. This represented a major achievement in making LISA a sustainable user accepted standard. Nevertheless, the ultimate vision is to initiate single funded, country-wide roll-out to fulfil the initial user requirements for a homogenous and operational land monitoring system for Austria.

Project Partners


GeoVille Information Systems GmbH - Andreas Walli


  • AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH - Klaus Steinnocher
  • JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, DIGITAL - Institute for Information and Communication Technologies (JR-DIG) - Mathias Schardt
  • Graz University of Technology, Institute of Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry - Rainer Prüller
  • University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Institute of Surveying, Remote Sensing and Land Information - Reinfried Mansberger
  • Umweltbundesamt, Environment Agency Austria - Gebhard Banko

Contact Address

GeoVille Information Systems GmbH
Andreas Walli
Sparkassenplatz 2
A-6020 Innsbruck
Tel.: +43 (512) 562021 - 0