University of Vienna - Department of Astrophysics

The Department of Astrophysics concentrates its activities on basic research in astrophysics and development of science payload. We make use of astrophysical data observed by various satellites (e.g., from ESA or NASA). Members of the institute participate as consortium members in ongoing or planned astrophysical space observatories, often by providing flight software to instruments.
Technologies and competences
The Department of Astrophysics supports and participates in international instrumentation projects for astrophysical research in space. The principal focus is on the development of data reduction pipelines, on-board software development for data processing, and on-board computer systems.
Products and services in space
- Data processing pipeline, ground segment
- Embedded operating system
- On-board data processing software
- Test software and simulators
Space related test benches, laboratories, etc.
To support flight software development, we run an electronics lab with space related EGSE including simulators and analysers for common interfaces used in space. Moreover, several breadboards of current and future processing platforms are in use.
University of Vienna - Department of Astrophysics
Manuel Güdel
Türkenschanzstraße 17
A-1180 Wien
Tel.: +43 1 4277-53814