University of Innsbruck - Institute for Ion Physics and Applied Physics

Basic phenomena of atomic, molecular and plasma physics are investigated at the institute. The application-oriented perspectives of the branches mentioned above led to the spin-off of 10 high-tech companies in Tyrol by members and former students of this research area up to now. More than 1500 jobs have been created by these companies that decisively enable physicists to practice their profession in Tyrol.
Technologies and competences
The research of the institute covers bio-, nano- and cluster-, environmental, plasma and energy physics, computational and food chemistry, thin films and high-frequency technology and signal processing. Basic research is performed theoretically and experimentally in the field of attosecond physics, elementary molecular and atomic processes, gas analysis, mass spectrometry, plasma simulations and nuclear fusion.
Products and services in space
- Astrochemistry
- Atmospheric chemistry
- Molecular spectroscopy
Space related test benches, laboratories, etc.
Optical and mass spectrometry, ultra-high vacuum and cryogenic temperatures
University of Innsbruck - Institute for Ion Physics and Applied Physics
Paul Scheier
Technikerstraße 25
A-6020 Innsbruck
Tel.: +43 512 507-52660