TU Wien - Institute for Sensor and Actuator Systems

The Institute of Sensor and Actuator Systems is grouped in three research departments: Micro-and Nanosensors, Applied Electronic Materials and Microsystems Technology. As Prof. U. Schmid, Head of Institute, was with the research labs of EADS (European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company) near Munich for several years, there is a strong focus on micro-and nanomachined devices and systems for airborne and space applications.
Technologies and competences
Long-term expertise in the design, realisation, characterisation and evaluation of micro- and nanomachined devices and systems (i.e. MOSFETS, ring oscillators in 6H-SiC, RF-MEMS switches, high-temperature pressure sensor for operating temperatures up to 700 °C, MEMS/NEMS resonators based on piezoelectric aluminium nitride). Energy harvesting devices for the realisation of self-sustaining sensor nodes.
Products and services in space
- Energy harvesting devices for space | Material characterization (thin films, substrates, etc.)
- Micro-and nanomachined devices and systems for space (i.e. sensors, actuators)
Space related test benches, laboratories, etc.
- Clean room for the fabrication of micro- and nanomachined devices and systems (i.e. wet and dry etching techniques, deposition of thin films (PVD, CVD) packaging of devices and systems, etc.)
- Specific measurement equipment (e.g. thermal conductivity, electrical properties up to 300 °C and 700 °C)
- Laser Doppler vibrometer
- Scanning electron microscopy plus further equipment for material characterisation purposes
Technische Universität Wien - Institute for Sensor and Actuator Systems
Ulrich Schmid
Gusshausstrasse 27-29
A-1040 Wien
Tel.: +43 1 58801-36689
Email: schmid@isas.tuwien.ac.at
Web: www.isas.tuwien.ac.at