TU Wien - Institute of Atomic and Subatomic Physics

The Institute comprises several central units, including reactor operation, radiation protection and dosimetry, applied quantum-, atomic physics and quantum optics, nuclear physics and nuclear particle physics, neutron and quantum physics, radiation physics, low temperature physics and superconductivity. The radiation physics includes medical radiation physics, space dosimetry and life science related to deep space exploration.
Technologies and competences
Our emphasis in space technology is found in the development and testing of dosimetric systems, performing space dosimetry, evaluate and simulate the radiation environment inside space craft, including the human body. We are also studying DNA damage caused by GCR and SPE.
Products and services in space
- Dosimetry
- MC simulations
- Material sciences
- Radiobiology
Technische Universität Wien - Institute of Atomic and Subatomic Physics
Lembit Sihver
Stadionallee 2
A-1020 Wien
Tel.: +43 1 58801-1410
Email: lembit.sihver@tuwien.ac.at
Web: www.ati.ac.at