Space Tech Group Austria
STG-A is a nonprofit association dedicated to scientific research, development and construction of technologies.

STG-A is a nonprofit association dedicated to scientific research, development and construction of technologies for the realization of space activities and atmospheric research.
Technologies and competences
Development of subsystems for small satellites (CubeSats) with the main focus in communication and communication technologies, in space and on ground.
Products and services in space
- Communication Interfacees in space
- Ground Stations & Ground Station Network
- Mission Control Center
- Space Data Server
Space related test benches, laboratories, etc.
Our test bench is the satellite PEGASUS and the operation of 5 ground stations in Austria, integrated in a ground station network.
All data are collected and analysed at our own Space Data Server/Space Data Center.
Space Tech Group - Austria, Verein für Weltraumforschung
Michael Taraba
Kerpengasse 69
1210 Wien