SinusPro Gmbh

SinsPro is an independent engineering office in Graz specialized in numerical calculation and simulation.
Their core competences ares:
- Production Engineering
- Tribology Engineering
- Bionic Optimization
- Base Engineering
In addition, they benefit from a large partner network. The advantages are quick contacts to partners and specialists across several branches supported by a single contact person for all their clients engineering concerns.
Technologies and competences
The SinusPro team consist of highly qualified analyses engineers, certified project managers and software developers.
What sets them apart is that they offer the three main kinds of numerical simulations as well as Software engineering.
These are:
- FEA (Finite Element Analysis)- structural strength
- MBS (Multi Body Simulation)- dynamic simulation
- and CFD (Computational fluid dynamics) - flow analysis
Products and services in space
- development of additive manufactured and lightweight structures
- development of an accurate glide bearing (EHD+T) simulation model to predict all failure modes
- development of an glide bearing test rig for calibrating the computer simulation model
- simulation of the production process for forging part optimization
Space related test benches, laboratories, etc.
SinusPro developed a glide bearing component test rig. It can be used for calibration of bearing parameters and for calibrating the "limits" for different failure modes of the bearing.
SinusPro GmbH
Christian Rieger
Conrad-von-Hötzendorf-Str. 127
A-8010 Graz
Tel.: +43 316392990