RHP is a solution provider for customized materials and advanced processing techniques based on powder technology.

RHP is a solution provider for customized materials and advanced processing techniques based on powder technology. The space relevant materials include composite materials such as high thermal conductive metal diamond composites, Invar based materials as well self-lubricating compositions or high ttemperature ceramics. Additionally, we provide services / R&D on additive manufacturing for large structures.
Technologies and competences
Advanced materials such as:
- Composites with tailored thermophysical properties (metal-diamond, Invar based materials,..)
- Self-lubricating composites
- R&D in Additive Manufacturing for large metallic structures
- Metal injection molding of parts for thrusters
- Multi-material processing/joining of materials, e.g. Invar-Titanium
- Diffusion bonding services for multi-channel plates/cooling plates
Products and services in space
- Material development/screening of new material concepts
- Metal diamond composites for thermal management of electronics
- Micro parts/components for thrusters and fluidic systems
- R&D and services on Additive Manufacturing of large structures
Space related test benches, laboratories, etc.
- Additive manufacturing (blown powder/wire feed) up to a size of 1.5 m x 1.8 m
- Complete process chain for metal injection molding
- Inductive hot pressing up to 1800 °C
- Direct hot pressing with diameter up to 350 mm and 2400 °C
- Conventional hot pressing and sintering
- Gas pressure sintering (up to 100 bar, 2400 °C)
RHP-Technology GmbH
Erich Neubauer
A-2444 Seibersdorf
Tel.: +43 2255 20600-10
Email: erich.neubauer@rhp-technology.com
Web: www.rhp-technology.com