
Orbspace is a young research and development company and represents a new Generation of aerospace companies.

Orbspace is a young research and development company and represents a new Generation of aerospace companies. Since its foundation in the year 2006, Orbspace has been bringing new competences to Austria and tries to position itself in new and emerging markets such as suborbital space flight. Orbspace has a strong European network and is part of several national and European research projects.

Technologies and competences

Our competences cover three business lines: engineering, aerospace medicine, and space law. In engineering, our core competences are in propulsion (ignition systems, ceramic components, numerical flow analysis, propulsion testing), vehicle systems (conceptual design, combined system and trajectory optimisation, system risk and flight safety analysis) and EU project management.

Products and services in space

  • Spaceflight physiology and cabin enviroment system design
  • Thrust chamber and heat exchange design
  • Vehicle system design, optimisation and safety of flight
  • Vehicle tank design


Aron Lentsch
Frauenkirchner Straße 1
A-7141 Podersdorf
Tel.: +43 2177 21710
Email: aron.lentsch@orbspace.com
Web: www.orbspace.com