Österreichisches Giesserei-Institut

The Austrian Foundry Research Institute is focused on applications of castings in Transport applications (automotive, rail aerospace). Particular focus is on light metals (Mg, Al, Ti) and their material properties and processing by casting. Space activities have been in the fields of thermal-physical characterisation of re-entry materials and mechanical material characterisation.
Technologies and competences
The ÖGI has facilities to produce prototype castings, simulation and modelling, mechanical characterisation of static and dynamic properties at low (-80 °C) and high (900 °C) temperatures, as well as the capacity to determine thermo-physical properties (Cp, thermal expansion, thermal diffusivity, poison-, young- coefficients over temperature), chemical analysis and is accredited to ISO 17025.
Products and services in space
- Materials evaluation
- Materials testing
- Modelling and simulation
Space related test benches, laboratories, etc.
- Thermo-physical laboratory determining properties for materials (re-entry) and modelling of thermal heat transport and fluid flow phenomena
- Accredited materials testing of space materials within a wide temperature range
Österreichisches Gießerei-Institut
Peter Schumacher
Parkstraße 21
A-8700 Leoben
Tel.:+43 3842 43101-0
Email: office@ogi.at
Web: www.ogi.at