DATASOFT Embedded GmbH is a provider of highly innovative consulting and engineering services based in Lower Austria with premises in St. Pölten and Melk.

The services offered include LED Headlight, Access and Security Systems, Instrumentation Cluster Digital Cockpit, Radar, Lidar and Airbag for Driver Assistance and Automized Driving Systems. The company is currently operating in Europe in Austria and Germany extending to the field of aerospace.

Technologies and competences

The services offered cover consulting, software and hardware development including IP licensing of communication protocols and stacks for secure voice and data communication as well as driver development.

Based on our European and US Software patented OSAM (Open Software Abstraction Model) we provide a software virtualization security middleware enabling platform independent development of deep embedded C code enabling 100% re-use of code.

Products and services in space

  • Consulting and Engineering Services
  • OSAM security gateway stack
  • OSAM security middleware
  • OSAM software virtualization platform

Space related test benches, laboratories, etc.

Platform independence means independent from microprocessor, operating systems and hardware peripherals. It is significant, that software operating as WinNT or Linux kernel mode driver can get re-used in hardware-oriented embedded periphery drivers without code change. With OSAM virtualization middleware we enable radical reduction of complexity and efforts in the development and validation of safety and security for embedded and PC based systems.


DATASOFT Embedded GmbH
Diethard Mahorka
Linzer Straße 55
A-3100 St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 2742 78103