CTR Carinthian Tech Research

As one of Austria's renowned industry-oriented research centres, CTR is focusing on smart sensors and system integration research. Following this strategy, the team has achieved a number of innovations and established an extensive network of academic and industrial partners.
Technologies and competences
R & D areas are microsystems, heterogeneous integration technologies and photonic & smart systems. Our competences range from multi-physics simulations, analytical devices development to systems engineering for space applications, sensor development & integration, and electronics engineering to experience in technical documentation and space project management.
Products and services in space
- Laser ignition for space applications
Space related test benches, laboratories, etc.
- Cleanroom facilities (class 8, class 5)
- Laser laboratory
- Electronics laboratory
- Chemistry laboratory
- Mechanics laboratory
CTR Carinthian Tech Research AG
Simon Grasser
Europastraße 12
A-9524 Villach
Tel.: +43 4242 56300
Email: simon.grasser@ctr.at
Web: www.ctr.at