Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen

BEV is a national authority that is subordinate to the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy with its scope of duties covering surveying, geoinformation as well as metrology and verification. Surveying and geoinformation form one part within BEV which deals with basic surveying, setup and management of the cadastral information and topographic surveying.
Technologies and competences
In accordance with the Survey Act, BEV is responsible for Austrian-wide provision of foundations for the determination of gravity, height and 3D position information in national and international reference systems. To provide 3D positions in real time, BEV operates the GNSS Augmentation Service APOS (Austrian Positioning Service).
Products and services in space
- Determination of coordinates in real time with cm accuracy for all of Austria
- Monitoring of the stability of regional geological units
- Realisation of the ETRS89 reference system
Space related test benches, laboratories, etc.
GNSS augmentation system APOS Austrian Positioning Service (75 reference stations domestically and abroad)
Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen
Ernst Zahn
Schiffamtsgasse 1-3
A-1020 Wien
Tel.: +43 664 8011742620
Email: ernst.zahn@bev.gv.at
Web: www.bev.gv.at