
Atos Space & Avionics offers standard solutions in the area of EGSE (Electrical Ground Support Equipment), ground segment systems, carrier monitoring and satellite interference localisation.
Technologies and competences
Atos Space & Avionics has unique expertise in the fields of RF, power, payload and instrument test system technologies and RF suitcases. The FPGA-based ProUST family of products was enhanced with ProUST Frontend for satellite instrument and payload tests. In the field of satellite signal monitoring, Atos offers their DSP-based product on the global market; in the ground segment SCOS2000-based mission control solutions.
Products and services in space
- Carrier Monitoring and Interference Localization Systems
- Electric Ground Support Equipment (EGSE), incl. RF SCOE, Power SCOE, and Payload and Instrument EGSE
- Mission control systems
- RF suitcases
Space related test benches, laboratories, etc.
Atos has more than 300 m2 of manufacturing space for the integration and testing of their products. The production hall is equipped with measuring equipment from well-known manufacturers such as Agilent and Rohde and Schwarz.
Atos Convergence Creators GmbH
Hans Martin Steiner
Autokaderstraße 29
A-1211 Wien
Tel.:+43 664 88551471