Vienna-based Communications Agency Reveals ESA Animation

The European Centre for Space Law is entering a new era - with the help of a creative agency from Austria.
Still aus dem Video für das ECSL. (ESA/ECSL/Perihelion )

Space law and space communication are two areas of activity that often receive little attention in the space sector, even though they are not only important but also established fields.

Yet the space sector is so much more than technology and engineering. Two good examples are the European Centre for Space Law (ECSL) and Perihelion, the creative agency for the space sector.

Space Law for Europe 

The ECSL was founded in 1989 under the auspices of the European Space Agency (ESA) and with the support of pioneers in the field.

The current members of the ECSL include professionals working in a broad spectrum across the space sector: lawyers, university professors, and students.

The ECSL provides a high-level forum for dialogue on space law and policy, fostering the exchange of ideas and capacity building in the field of space law and policy in Europe.
A new space age is not dawning, but has already begun, and a new legal framework needs to be developed to address the new and exciting challenges ahead.
The ECSL aims to inspire future generations of space lawyers. That is exactly what the European Centre for Space Law has enlisted help from Vienna to do.

Space communication from Vienna 

Perihelion is a creative agency from the Austrian capital that specialises in space communications. With a strong knowledge of space law and policy, as well as a technical understanding of the challenges facing the industry, Perihelion is uniquely positioned to bring space closer to both professionals and the general public.

For the ECSL, Perihelion has not only created a new brand identity, but also a two-minute explainer video that informs about the history of the organisation, its member benefits and its future aspirations. A milestone project for the three-year-old agency from Austria.

ECSL Info Video

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