European Researchers Night 2022
On 30th September, the European Researchers Night took place in Vienna at the University of Applied Arts. 3600 visitors enjoyed a great program of interactive stations, workshops and exciting live shows.
On the large stage on the first floor, a science slam and live music were held for the audience. Werner Gruber was also there and performed fascinating experiments in his physics show.
Among the 300 participating researchers, members of the TU Vienna Space Team were present. They presented their association at an interactive station. The Space Department of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action (Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, short BMK) was also present with a booth.
Attracted by the large space poster with the title "Climate Protection from Space" and the white CanSat rocket, many people of all ages came to the booth. They received exciting information about the importance of satellites and were even allowed to take measurements on a CubeSat themselves. In addition, the other interesting projects of the TU Vienna Space Team were presented and explained.
Therefore the visitors of the European Researchers Night could learn more about aerospace and the interest of future generations got sparked.