UN/Austria Symposium 2024 - Climate action: transforming space-based technology projects into sustainable services that support policy-making
The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs and Austria are responsible for organising the Symposium.
It is supported by
- Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs
- Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
- European Space Agency
- City of Graz
- Province of Styria
- Graz University of Technology
Content Description

The symposium has the following objectives:
- To demonstrate how initiatives based on space applications have been successfully developed and implemented in different countries.
- To promote the exchange of best practices in transforming technical projects into sustainable services that have measurable impact and meet the demand and needs of developing countries in mitigating and adapting to climate change.
- To share experiences and explore how space-based services can be used to comply with or support policies about climate action according to national priorities.
- To present available toolboxes that have already been implemented through case studies or pilot projects at a country level to comply with regulations related to climate action, with the aim of encouraging the adoption of tested tools and approaches.
The programme includes:
- Keynote presentations: given by invited speakers.
- Panel discussions: roundtables during which speakers give a short presentation, followed by a moderated discussion among speakers and Q&A with the audience.
- Country case: a panel discussion focusing on a particular country.
- Video pitches: short presentations introducing specific projects or initiatives in less than 3 minutes.
- Social events: evening receptions, as well as a guided tour of the city of Graz.
- Networking opportunities
Target Audience
The symposium is aimed at policy and decision-makers, senior experts, scientists, engineers and university educators, the diplomatic community, intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations, research and development institutions especially from developing countries.
The Office for Outer Space Affairs is committed to supporting gender mainstreaming in its programmes and advocates for balanced representation from different perspectives.
Participant Information
Registration is free of charge.
- Deadline for submission of abstract: 7 April 2024
- Deadline for registration to attend in person: 14 April 2024
- Deadline for registration to attend online: 10 July 2024
Those interested to participate in person will be selected up to the maximum capacity of the room, based on relevant professional and/or academic experience.
Contact Address
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
E-Mail: unoosa-events@un.org