BiDS / Big Data from Space 2023

6. - 9. November 2023
Austria Center Vienna, Bruno Kreisky Platz 1, 1220 Wien, AT

The Conference Big Data from Space 2023 (BiDS) brings together key actors from industry, academia, EU entities and government to reveal user needs, exchange ideas and showcase latest technical solutions and applications touching all aspects of space and big data technologies. BiDS provides a premier opportunity for practitioners, researchers, and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, as well as practical challenges encountered in the context of big data from space.


The conference is jointly organized by the European Space Agency (ESA), the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission and the European Union Satellite Centre (SatCen) as well as the Federal Ministry for Climate Action (BMK) and the Austrian Research Promotion Agency /Agency for Aeronautics and Space (FFG/ALR).


Content Description

The 2023 edition of BiDS will focus not only on the technologies enabling insight and foresight inferable from big data, but will emphasize how these technologies impact society. Today, access to global, free, and open Earth Observation (EO) data is complemented with new initiatives such as the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem, the EU Destination Earth (DestinE) and ESA's related Digital Twin Earth program, which will foster generating additional value and impact.

Promoting trust in big data for policy interactions, insight and foresight enabled by the evolving geospatial data ecosystem should be transparent, sound, and reproducible with associated quality assurance, building on open data and methodologies.

Together, we want to explore and learn how space data driven insight and foresight, exploiting data from the different space domains (i.e. EO, science, navigation or telecommunications), can provide a sound basis for evidence-based decision-making and regulations addressing global societal challenges such as climate change, sustainability, and civil security.


The program is yet to be announced.

Target Audience

  • practitioners
  • researchers
  • educators

Participant Information

The registration will be available soon.

More Information on the event website.


Contact Address

Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment,
Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
Department for Space Affairs (Dept. III/I 6)
Melanie Dadatschek
Radetzkystr. 2
A-1030 Wien
Tel.: +49 (664) 888 48521