Space Camp

06. - 08. July 2022
Kuffner Sternwarte, Vienna, AT

Three days full of astrophysics, space exploration, and fun for kids between ages 8 and 12: This Space Camp is the perfect opportunity for young curious minds to explore the secrets of the universe together!


Team Tumbleweed: born from the vision of making Mars exploration more accessible to everyone, they have been working on the concept of a wind-driven rover for more than four years. Now, they want to make their vision of Deep Space for Everyone a reality here on Earth.

Content Description

How can we explore planets both near to us and far away? What does an observatory do? What happens, when a star dies? These and many more are the questions we aim to answer in the Space Camp. Come take a dip into the universe!

Each day has activities from 9:00 to 17:00, which include learning about space-related topics like exoplanets, space travel, and telescopes, crafting, games, etc. Part of the program will be excursions.

Target Audience

Kids aged 8-12 with an interest in all the exciting objects our universe holds and their exploration

Participant Information

Date and time: July 6th to 8th, 2022, activities from 9:00-17:00 (arrangements can be made for kids to arrive up to one hour earlier/leave up to one hour later)
Location: Kuffner Observatory (Johann Staud-Straße 10, 1160 Vienna)
Group: 10-15 kids aged 8-12
Fee: €90 incl. lunch, entries, and materials


More information and registration at

Contact Address

Team Tumbleweed
Amelie Finan